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Hello everybody. I hope you are all well. I just wanted to say hello. I'm a self employed window cleaner on the south coast of England. I do a mix of water fed pole and traditional work. The odd gutter clearing job - but I'm not a fan of gutters, fascias and soffit cleaning lol (too old and knackered for that ?).
Hello everybody. I hope you are all well. I just wanted to say hello. I'm a self employed window cleaner on the south coast of England. I do a mix of water fed pole and traditional work. The odd gutter clearing job - but I'm not a fan of gutters, fascias and soffit cleaning lol (too old and knackered for that ?).
Welcome what part are you from ?
Welcome buddy!
I’m the same as you slowly petering out the gutters/fascia/soffits as like you getting old and knackered ?
@PC Thank you very much . Yes me too, I get fed up of my shoulders hurting for a couple of days after ?