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Possible pump problem?


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Hi guys,
I'm increasing the flow rate on the pump as the flow is slowing down. I used to have it at 45 for years, but over the last few months I've had to increase it gradually to 65. I've recalibrated and this hasn't changed anything.
Is this an early warning that the pump or controller are dying? Both the pump and controller are 6 years old so it's no problem to replace and would prefer to do it before they fail. Just thought I'd see if anyone knows.
I could be that. It's likely a diaphragm pump (I'd think), so if you've used it a while and steadily then I'd guess the rubbers might be wearing out. Worth checking the plumbing though to make sure you don't have any buildup of obstructions, slime etc. If it's a simple swap, I'd say just put a new pump on the van and keep a tool kit handy, I could replace mine in about 10 mins if needed I think.

Hope you get sorted.
First off check battery voltage at the battery, after the fuse, at the controller and at the pump, don't just check the
+12v, check the earth/0v as well.
Check the tank outlet filter, then check the connections between tank and pump as you can get a 'leak' where air is sucked in. Check all connections, maybe even unreel all your hose and check for any problems - twists, kinks etc.

If everything is ok then buy a new pump to keep in the van.
The diaphragm is probably worn out I had this years ago and you used to be able to buy a replacement for Shurlfo pumps for less than £20 delivered the pump ran like new after replacing the diaphragm far easier and cheaper to buy a replacement pump
check the filter before you do anything else, it costs nothing to take it out and rinse under a hot tap, if its still the same after that then it is a new pump or diaphram, my system is not one off the shelf and my filter is very fine and needs swapping out every three months and i get the warnings you are getting when its becoming blocked.
hope this helps
Thanks for all the responses! I checked the filter, there was next to nothing in it. I'll check the connections and change some of the tubing and see if that makes a difference. but by the sounds of the suggestions it's likely to be the diaphragm
We have 2 Shurflo pumps on the van. One is 20 years old and the other 18 years old. They are still performing well.

In the winter, our water in our van tank can be around 5 to 8 degrees. At the moment, it's 9 degrees. Our flow through microbore hose is noticeably slower than it is in summer when the water is around 20 degrees C on the same controller flow and calibration settings. The flow through the same pump with the same cold water temperature using the other reel with minibore is much faster.

I'm not saying your pump isn't the issue, but I'd be inclined to focus on your hose being the reason why your flow is down. Our hoses do become more elastic with warmth and with that the inside diameter of the hose increases with pressure, allowing an increase in the flow rate. The viscosity (or 'thickness') of the water also changes the colder it gets. Water at 0 degrees C is a solid, after all, and water at 5 degrees is heading toward that solid state.

We started work the other day and I complained to my son that my flow was poor even turning up the flow rate on my controller. I switched on the diesel heater and warm water made a big difference to the flow rate after that @CMcB

If anyone wants to become brain-dead, then here's the article on viscosity that is sure to achieve this;

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I seem to remember Ford had some sort of patent on heated front screens that ran out a few years ago, I think in 2011. So any vehicle can now have them.
Electric vehicles mostly come with heated seats and steering wheels as the power required is less than heating the whole cabin so it saves battery! Some are even cooling the seats as that's less energy than cooling the whole cabin.
The ev's are getting more complex by the day as they try and overcome the battery limitations - battery cooling/heating, heat pumps (more efficient to heat cool cabin), better aerodynamics (aero wheels ), and so many other bits and bobs - the manufacturers are pulling everything out of the bag to gain claimed battery range.
I wonder when the next scandal re range figures will come out.....
My transit custom is 7 years old and has one, our car is 6 months old and doesn’t have one? ?‍♂️
You’d think they would be on every new vehicle in this day and age ?

I agree. When i had the replace my front windscreen on my Peugeot Boxer van, I would have readily paid extra for a heated option.

My wife used to have a Mondeo as a company car with a heated windscreen and she was distracted by the heating elements between the glass. I didn't have that problem.
For any who may have the same problem- it was one of the electrical connections, changed it and everything is now good. Pump is working fine, and now I have a backup.
Thanks for the advice!

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