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Pricing in the Belfast area.


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Hi lads a family member of mine living up Northern Ireland in Belfast wants to start up his own window cleaning business but does not know what to start pricing with as down here in the Republic it’s much different. For a standard 3 bed semi home getting them cleaned 12 weekly for example, how much would he be looking to get?
It’s unlikely that we can give you advice on this as Ime guessing things will be totally different there .
No I totally understand but I thought there might be other lads in here up Northern Ireland area that could give some insight is all.
You might find if you google window cleaner in his area and maybe wider then you might find a web site listing typical prices. I don't know his market at all but is 12 weeks typical there? It's just that he will need a lot of customers plus each clean will be harder as they will be dirtier - if possible go for 6 weeks is my suggestion.
What area of Belfast is it ? The way the houses are set up in parts that I've been you could get through around 15 an hour if you had alot of them.

This is just off the shankil road, the houses run joined together the full street, it's like that in south and east Belfast too.


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What area of Belfast is it ? The way the houses are set up in parts that I've been you could get through around 15 an hour if you had alot of them.

This is just off the shankil road, the houses run joined together the full street, it's like that in south and east Belfast too.
4 minutes per house????
Even fronts only that’s not possible
Hi lads a family member of mine living up Northern Ireland in Belfast wants to start up his own window cleaning business but does not know what to start pricing with as down here in the Republic it’s much different. For a standard 3 bed semi home getting them cleaned 12 weekly for example, how much would he be looking to get?
Hard to tell, I’d imagine £15 ?
4 minutes per house????
Even fronts only that’s not possible

It's one top window and one bottom window on most of them, there must be about 40 in a row all joined together. If you had alot of them in a row then 15 wouldn't be impossible.

Alot of the streets the bottom window is just a normal window instead.of a bay window that's in the pic.
I’d try and find a local guys website and see if they have any prices listed. Or if they’ve had a window cleaner before try and ask what they were charging and then up it a bit.
Hi lads a family member of mine living up Northern Ireland in Belfast wants to start up his own window cleaning business but does not know what to start pricing with as down here in the Republic it’s much different. For a standard 3 bed semi home getting them cleaned 12 weekly for example, how much would he be looking to get?
I’m from Derry and I would say somewhere between 10-15 pound depending on the access and how many windows etc. also the area within the city will also have different prices. He could try phoning a few local cleaners for quotes on his own area and try and work from that.
Hilarious, not.
My family are from Kerry and grew up round the Kilburn area of london
Not funny once you have seen the damage from 100lb of Semtex stashed in an escort van at staples corner
Lost every window pretty much on our whole housing estate of thousands of flats
My family are from Kerry and grew up round the Kilburn area of london
Not funny once you have seen the damage from 100lb of Semtex stashed in an escort van at staples corner
Lost every window pretty much on our whole housing estate of thousands of flats

My uncle was shot dead inside his own home as him and his family slept by republicans, I know fine we'll the damage.