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How much do you charge?


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Phone call this morning...

Caller: Hello is that the window cleaner

Me: Certainly is, how can I help

Caller: How much do you charge

Me: (In a jovial tone) Haha, that's a difficult question to answer without a little more information

Caller: So you're not going to give me a price

Me: Well I can't really unless I know what for

Caller: Well my windows of course

****Thinking i'm on fonejacker here****

Me: We have a guide price on the website but every property is different

Caller: I'll leave it then

Me: Ok, I think you'll have trouble getting prices if you don't tell people what type of house you live in. It could be a 2 bed semi, it could be a mansion for all I know

Caller: Oh, Ok, it's a coach house... Well half a coach house

Me: No problem, they often vary a lot from property to property so I would have to...

Caller: Not many windows

Me: Ok well....

Caller: And they're all low down so you don't need a tall ladder. Whats the cheapest you do.

Me: Like I say, I would need to see it but can offer a free quote. 2 bed properties start from £12.50 a month

Caller: So you won't do a one off?

Me: Yeah but we're booked up for about 9 weeks for one offs.

Caller: Forget it then ***Puts phone down***

I heard the results of her IQ test came back, they were negative.

I can’t believe you have 9 weeks of one offs booked up!

I had a call a few days ago. Older woman I had previously given quote to while doing neighbours. 

‘Hello, is this the window cleaner?’

’yes it is, how many I help?’

‘You gave me a quote before. When can you do my windows?’

’Ohh ok, where abouts are you?’

‘I’m the flat on the corner.’


Conversation goes on, I find out where she is and then she asks when I can do them.

’Well I’ve just been in your area so I won’t be back until the start of May’

’Ohh forget that’ Hangs up. ? 

I've devised a good reason why i'm booked for one offs and not for regulars. I tell them if I take a one off I have to find space in the diary where I am in the area one time, for regular customers I can move people around and compact the work a little which means I can just fit them in when their street is next due.


One offs are a pain. Saying that, got a few booked in. I find charging a insane price works. They normally say no. When they say yes, you love it!
I make £60 an hour from one offs, don't get many actually book in. Never normally clean on the day either but I squeezed a bungalow in yesterday morning, 4 windows and a door for £15, took 10 mins. I only did it on the day because they're moving closer to where I live and their current window cleaner wouldn't go that far and hadn't been back since they said they were moving ?

That’s a mega rate, I must say I’m not near that on one offs. Though I’ve enough spare time I’m happy to take them on for the extra cash. 

Ive done one offs like that before. Best near the end of the day and you know you’ve got plenty of time for it. Annoying he bailed. I’ve had three customers in the one estate put up ‘for sale signs’. One says ‘closed’ the others have disappeared so I hope they have taken them off the market, lol!
