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Carpet Cleaning


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Soffit and fascia painting would be an add on i would add before carpets. Some fascia is wooden and just needs painted more than cleaned. 

Cheap entry and sellable
Another add-on I do quite a lot is masonry painting to outside walls. Did one off a ladder before I bought my scaffold and I made an easy £200 a day using a 3" brush and listening to the radio. Only thing is the weather so its mainly a Spring, Summer job. ?

If you can stand on a ladder and clean windows then you can also paint a solid wall. The effect on the customer is awe-inspiring when they see their house gleaming in the sunlight. Only trying to get windies to add another string to their bow if they want to. fwiw 
No your quite right though masonary painting is a decent add on. Patio painting used to be a thing too 

Another add-on I do quite a lot is masonry painting to outside walls. Did one off a ladder before I bought my scaffold and I made an easy £200 a day using a 3" brush and listening to the radio. Only thing is the weather so its mainly a Spring, Summer job. ?
Ah, the good old Scottish summer. I heard it was on a Thursday last year ?

Ah, the good old Scottish summer. I heard it was on a Thursday last year ?
It rains every second day up here But makes me plenty of dosh due to roof leaks ? You can't have one without the other. Nearly everyone has bought their council house and the roofs are over 50yrs old so they constantly leak and need replaced so roofers are very busy. Green alga thrives in this environment so white GFS don't stay white for very long and that's where I step in and charge ? per house. Thanks goodness for good old dreich Scottish weather or I'd be broke. ? 

We offer a carpet cleaning service as a sideline.

couldnt make a living from it ,when you get full time carpet cleaners advertising a 3 bedroom house for £80?.

better of cleaning gutters.


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