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Gutter clearing standards


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Hi all, I started my gutter clearing journey this August so still learning the ropes, just wanted to see what standards you guys hold yourself to call the gutters clear

Is a small amount of mud like in the pictures still considered clear or should every bit of mud be gone?

I feel like we clear the gutters to a good to high standard each time but just want to get better and see what people with experience think

I've attached a few photos ? would this amount of dirt in certain areas oes still count as clear do you reckon?



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They are fine, there will be times when the clearance is so thin you will struggle to even get your fingers in and clearing everything under the tiles is nigh on impossible.
After many years, and doing many miles, of clearing gutters the most important part is ensuring the downpipes are clear, all the way down to the drain, especially on soakaways.
All I would add is if those are low gutters or visible from an upstairs window you might get someone saying they're not clear.
They are fine, there will be times when the clearance is so thin you will struggle to even get your fingers in and clearing everything under the tiles is nigh on impossible.
After many years, and doing many miles, of clearing gutters the most important part is ensuring the downpipes are clear, all the way down to the drain, especially on soakaways.
All I would add is if those are low gutters or visible from an upstairs window you might get someone saying they're not clear.
Thank you ?
It all comes down to wording on Insurance Policies. These policies state there should be "adequate drainage" so the rain water can flow freely. Rainwater will flow freely and staining will have no effect on the flow so a good result.
It’s funny this has come up. Last week I did a gutter clear with fsg and also the conny roof. As I was leaving they pulled me back and said they could still see that the conny gutters were dirty inside from one of the bedroom windows. I told them that when clearing gutters it’s not as cosmetic as cleaning the external parts of the fsg and is mainly for maintenance purposes. That said when I thought about it it did look kind of bad when looking down out the bedroom window especially when everything else was nice and clean. Most gutters can’t be seen inside and got me thinking if this should have been done. Never in over 20 years have I been pulled up on this but maybe it’s always gone unnoticed. I did explain to them that to actually clean the internal parts of all the gutters on their property would be very time consuming and would increase the price considerably so they understood and was happy in the end. I’m now maybe thinking on these types of jobs of cleaning any thing internally on the gutters that can be seen by the customer like on lower level roofs and connys and upping my price accordingly. I know there are company’s that do this but are like full restorations and charge thousands but I don’t want to be going into that territory, just a general clean. Does anybody do this or is it me just trying to accommodate a fussy customer?
It’s funny this has come up. Last week I did a gutter clear with fsg and also the conny roof. As I was leaving they pulled me back and said they could still see that the conny gutters were dirty inside from one of the bedroom windows. I told them that when clearing gutters it’s not as cosmetic as cleaning the external parts of the fsg and is mainly for maintenance purposes. That said when I thought about it it did look kind of bad when looking down out the bedroom window especially when everything else was nice and clean. Most gutters can’t be seen inside and got me thinking if this should have been done. Never in over 20 years have I been pulled up on this but maybe it’s always gone unnoticed. I did explain to them that to actually clean the internal parts of all the gutters on their property would be very time consuming and would increase the price considerably so they understood and was happy in the end. I’m now maybe thinking on these types of jobs of cleaning any thing internally on the gutters that can be seen by the customer like on lower level roofs and connys and upping my price accordingly. I know there are company’s that do this but are like full restorations and charge thousands but I don’t want to be going into that territory, just a general clean. Does anybody do this or is it me just trying to accommodate a fussy customer?
The same thing has happened to me a couple of times. I just get a small towel/cloth and drag it round the inside conny gutter. It takes about 5 mins but looks great but will just clear normally unless they complain.
It’s funny this has come up. Last week I did a gutter clear with fsg and also the conny roof. As I was leaving they pulled me back and said they could still see that the conny gutters were dirty inside from one of the bedroom windows. I told them that when clearing gutters it’s not as cosmetic as cleaning the external parts of the fsg and is mainly for maintenance purposes. That said when I thought about it it did look kind of bad when looking down out the bedroom window especially when everything else was nice and clean. Most gutters can’t be seen inside and got me thinking if this should have been done. Never in over 20 years have I been pulled up on this but maybe it’s always gone unnoticed. I did explain to them that to actually clean the internal parts of all the gutters on their property would be very time consuming and would increase the price considerably so they understood and was happy in the end. I’m now maybe thinking on these types of jobs of cleaning any thing internally on the gutters that can be seen by the customer like on lower level roofs and connys and upping my price accordingly. I know there are company’s that do this but are like full restorations and charge thousands but I don’t want to be going into that territory, just a general clean. Does anybody do this or is it me just trying to accommodate a fussy customer?
I got this question yesterday, so I told them next time I'll clean it for £15 for them, just the conservatory gutters, thought I'd do it cheaper for them seeing as they just paid for the gutter clearing and conservatory roof

Think I might start mentioning it to customers too as an extra add on ??
It’s funny this has come up. Last week I did a gutter clear with fsg and also the conny roof. As I was leaving they pulled me back and said they could still see that the conny gutters were dirty inside from one of the bedroom windows. I told them that when clearing gutters it’s not as cosmetic as cleaning the external parts of the fsg and is mainly for maintenance purposes. That said when I thought about it it did look kind of bad when looking down out the bedroom window especially when everything else was nice and clean. Most gutters can’t be seen inside and got me thinking if this should have been done. Never in over 20 years have I been pulled up on this but maybe it’s always gone unnoticed. I did explain to them that to actually clean the internal parts of all the gutters on their property would be very time consuming and would increase the price considerably so they understood and was happy in the end. I’m now maybe thinking on these types of jobs of cleaning any thing internally on the gutters that can be seen by the customer like on lower level roofs and connys and upping my price accordingly. I know there are company’s that do this but are like full restorations and charge thousands but I don’t want to be going into that territory, just a general clean. Does anybody do this or is it me just trying to accommodate a fussy customer?
You could just manage customer expectation by explaining that you will empty the gutters but don't clean the interior of them unless that's what they want then the charge would be £X. That way it's customer choice and they know what they are getting.
You could just manage customer expectation by explaining that you will empty the gutters but don't clean the interior of them unless that's what they want then the charge would be £X. That way it's customer choice and they know what they are getting.
I have tried that approach but I’ve found it comes across as your not doing the full job if you don’t do it and if you do do it, the fee that I would want for such a time consuming job isn’t worth it for them so I just try and find a middle ground. It’s a bit like if you sell your window cleaning service as “all windows plus frames, doors and sills. They then expect everything to be perfect where as if you just sell your service as “windows cleaned” it makes life a lot easier. I used to be a glass only cleaner back in the day as most where but as my standards have improved mainly due to wfp standards. I’ve never had one complaint about any frames, doors or sills. The only complaints ever come from the glass. I’ve had loads of praise since cleaning frames and doors via wfp but never one complaint.
I have tried that approach but I’ve found it comes across as your not doing the full job if you don’t do it and if you do do it, the fee that I would want for such a time consuming job isn’t worth it for them so I just try and find a middle ground. It’s a bit like if you sell your window cleaning service as “all windows plus frames, doors and sills. They then expect everything to be perfect where as if you just sell your service as “windows cleaned” it makes life a lot easier. I used to be a glass only cleaner back in the day as most where but as my standards have improved mainly due to wfp standards. I’ve never had one complaint about any frames, doors or sills. The only complaints ever come from the glass. I’ve had loads of praise since cleaning frames and doors via wfp but never one complaint.
Most of us on here would say our job description is window cleaners not glass cleaners , so the sill frame and glass should be cleaned in it’s entirety on each visit or we aren’t giving the customer what they are paying for .
Most of us on here would say our job description is window cleaners not glass cleaners , so the sill frame and glass should be cleaned in it’s entirety on each visit or we aren’t giving the customer what they are paying for .
From a cleaners point of view I completely agree but different customers have different expectations. Do you clean the internals of your gutter cleans to the same standard as you do when cleaning the externals as the customer may expect that to be what they are paying for?
From a cleaners point of view I completely agree but different customers have different expectations. Do you clean the internals of your gutter cleans to the same standard as you do when cleaning the externals as the customer may expect that to be what they are paying for?
There is a big difference between cleaning a whole window , and cleaning an outside and inside of a gutter in 24 years I don’t think I have ever had anyone say you haven’t washed out the gutters although on some jobs we do do that .
There is a big difference between cleaning a whole window , and cleaning an outside and inside of a gutter in 24 years I don’t think I have ever had anyone say you haven’t washed out the gutters although on some jobs we do do that .
Exactly, I’ve been cleaning for around the same time as yourself so I don’t think experience is an issue and in around the same amount of time this is the first time it’s ever happened to me hence my reply. Tbh honest though they may seem completely different to us but the customers expectations may be completely different to that. My question is where do you draw the line on what you are selling compared to what the customer is expecting?
If they ask for it to be done just say that will be an extra £ on the bill. If its only happened once in all the years you have been operating I wouldn't give it that much thought,
Exactly, I’ve been cleaning for around the same time as yourself so I don’t think experience is an issue and in around the same amount of time this is the first time it’s ever happened to me hence my reply. Tbh honest though they may seem completely different to us but the customers expectations may be completely different to that. My question is where do you draw the line on what you are selling compared to what the customer is expecting?
I think it’s down to how we sell our services , when quoting for windows I explain we will clean the frames , sill , and glass and doors on every visit , we clean conservatories from gutter line down on each visit ,but don’t do the roof ,on very odd occasions I have had someone say you haven’t cleaned the roof ,I then remind them of what was said usually they accept that cleaning the roof is a separate job and I think they were just trying it on to get it cleaned for free.
As for gutter vaccing work I explain that we will vac out all guttering and check all downpipes for blockages and unblock them , provided the gutters are 99% free from dirt and running free that’s it , as has already been mentioned if they can see into any gutters from upstairs and I think they are going to be a pita then we will wash them out with a garden hose but then the price will be more if we do this .