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People using chemical injectors for hypo..


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We currently knock up batches of diluted hypo at a dilution that suits whatever we’re doing in 25 litre drums in advance then apply via watering can (assuming it’s paving etc).

However, I keep seeing vids of people with downstream chemical injectors and it seems a much much quicker and more effective process.

I guess my question is if you do this, which injectors are you using and how can you accurately regulate the chem vs the water flow etc as I’m assuming the chem is fed in neat and then diluted within the water flow..

I keep seeing this “X-Jet M5” crop up but it seems a lot of £… I have upstream injectors on two pressure washers but I’m not crazy about having hypo run through the pump, hose, gun etc etc
We currently knock up batches of diluted hypo at a dilution that suits whatever we’re doing in 25 litre drums in advance then apply via watering can (assuming it’s paving etc).

However, I keep seeing vids of people with downstream chemical injectors and it seems a much much quicker and more effective process.

I guess my question is if you do this, which injectors are you using and how can you accurately regulate the chem vs the water flow etc as I’m assuming the chem is fed in neat and then diluted within the water flow..

I keep seeing this “X-Jet M5” crop up but it seems a lot of £… I have upstream injectors on two pressure washers but I’m not crazy about having hypo run through the pump, hose, gun etc etc
Hypo doesn’t go through the pump it only goes into the nozzle it works on the Venturi principal
We currently knock up batches of diluted hypo at a dilution that suits whatever we’re doing in 25 litre drums in advance then apply via watering can (assuming it’s paving etc).

However, I keep seeing vids of people with downstream chemical injectors and it seems a much much quicker and more effective process.

I guess my question is if you do this, which injectors are you using and how can you accurately regulate the chem vs the water flow etc as I’m assuming the chem is fed in neat and then diluted within the water flow..

I keep seeing this “X-Jet M5” crop up but it seems a lot of £… I have upstream injectors on two pressure washers but I’m not crazy about having hypo run through the pump, hose, gun etc etc
Surely if you've seen them being used or advertised you would of noticed the two input hoses and one output via the nozzle


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Never run Hypo through your pump - set up a chemical injector to go on the end of the lance and put the pick up into the barrel.

You would have to work out your strength by the injectors dilution rate ( in the USA they stamp this on the injector 10 - 15 - 20% - But to be Honest a standard injector is fine gives a reasonably strong solution without going over the top.
Great for general "biocide" after p/w

If its black spot it won't be good enough - use a a strong solution and spot treat as you are currently doing of buy a good quality pump sprayer like IK9
I got this lance from Rutland - just testing out this week - however they have taken the link down


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X Jet is well worth the cash for putting down hypo. Plus it's a great tool for wash down. One of those things costs a bit but once you have it it's a great tool to have.
We currently knock up batches of diluted hypo at a dilution that suits whatever we’re doing in 25 litre drums in advance then apply via watering can (assuming it’s paving etc).

However, I keep seeing vids of people with downstream chemical injectors and it seems a much much quicker and more effective process.

I guess my question is if you do this, which injectors are you using and how can you accurately regulate the chem vs the water flow etc as I’m assuming the chem is fed in neat and then diluted within the water flow..

I keep seeing this “X-Jet M5” crop up but it seems a lot of £… I have upstream injectors on two pressure washers but I’m not crazy about having hypo run through the pump, hose, gun etc etc
Well worth the investment as the time it saves putting down chemicals plus not having to spend time diluting chemicals will pay for itself in no time. It's one of those pieces of equipment you wish you had bought years ago and could never be without going forward.
X Jet is well worth the cash for putting down hypo. Plus it's a great tool for wash down. One of those things costs a bit but once you have it it's a great tool to have.
I tried an x jet years ago and didn’t get on with it carrying or constantly moving the drum with hypo in it was a pain and the two hoses to the lance I found restricted movement and was just pita , am I missing something?… also found it was difficult to control accurately ware the mix was going lots of overspray .
Surely if you've seen them being used or advertised you would of noticed the two input hoses and one output via the nozzle
Yeah I know the setup, probably didn’t make it clear my question was more how you regulate the chem to water as I’m assuming the hypo is fed neat and mixed with the water flow.

Their marketing says the M5 is good for chucking 40ft in the air so I’m assuming there’s some way of accurately regulating the dilution?!
I tried an x jet years ago and didn’t get on with it carrying or constantly moving the drum with hypo in it was a pain and the two hoses to the lance I found restricted movement and was just pita , am I missing something?… also found it was difficult to control accurately ware the mix was going lots of overspray .
Yeah that’s why I asked about how you reliably regulate the mix, the sales bumpf for the x jet reckons it’ll spray hypo 40ft in the air.. which seems a bit mad to me but I’m probably wrong
Yeah I know the setup, probably didn’t make it clear my question was more how you regulate the chem to water as I’m assuming the hypo is fed neat and mixed with the water flow.

Their marketing says the M5 is good for chucking 40ft in the air so I’m assuming there’s some way of accurately regulating the dilution?!
It comes with little inserts that go in the gun where the hypo hose connects. Each one is a different colour and gives a ratio/percentage. They normally sell X jets according to the l/min of your machine.
I have one. Nicely made, works well. Expensive for what it does for me personally. I don’t use it a huge amount. Would be very useful for large areas but if like me it’s mainly patios and driveways then the time saved is negated by the fact that tire then leaving it to soak so overall doesn’t make much difference. Looks impressive to clients though. Nice and foamy when using surfactant.

I find it uses massive amounts of hypo with the ‘correct’ jet for the dilution I use. Way more than I’d use spraying it. I turn the engine speed or unloader right down to control it. A control on the gun would be more useful. Like a progressive trigger or something.

I tend to use a backpack sprayer more often than not but I wouldn’t say don’t get one. They’re nice pieces of kit. Just not a game-changer unless you’re regularly doing car-parks or perhaps soft-washing the side of a house.
At the moment I’m using a backpack which I have put a 100psi 7lpm Chineseium pump in and one of those pressure wands from home bargains
That will get the hypo down quite quick
Just rinse well after and no issues

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