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Pressure switch off problem


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Well-known member
Got a problem with my pressure sensor I think. When I disconnect my pole hose from the van hose the pump taking >2mins to switch off, sounds like
It’s working really hard, and occasionally after it’s off it fires up again for 20secs again before switching off. I have a facelift compact van mount system - any ideas what I can do to maintain / service / fix this. Thanks ?
Based on the post. I would agree with Ched. Sounds like the Calibration value is to high making the controller less sensitive to flow stopping. Net result is teh pump wil drive until the pump preesure switch activates. As above suggest running auto cal with the flow set to your preferred rate.
I've never found auto-cal to work for me I tried as is usually suggested extend your biggest pole fully mine being a 45ft pole which doesn't often get used even if I did auto-cal with my 27ft pole I also find it doesn't really work for me either maybe in the warmer months when there is no great fluctuation in water temperature it might but at the moment on a morning I may need to up the Cal from 40 to 43 to get the water to flow when usually my 22ft is in use otherwise the flow will stop and start then later in the day I'll need to drop it back to 40 to get the controller to go into DE rather than PS
Just spent this arvo installing new replacement pump - system is humming now so was defo the pump being old imo - looking forward to some cleaning as soon as the forecast blizzard and rain passes through :)
Just spent this arvo installing new replacement pump - system is humming now so was defo the pump being old imo - looking forward to some cleaning as soon as the forecast blizzard and rain passes through :)

Out of interest, the pipes/hose connecting to your old pump, were they swollen or fatter than normal?
Out of interest, the pipes/hose connecting to your old pump, were they swollen or fatter than normal?
Not that i noticed - i am curious on the pipe they used for the pump fitting as i need some more of it - anyone know what hose this is / where i maybe able to get some ? Its 6mm internal diameter and nice and flexible (unlike the microbore hose i tried to replace it with)

Usually the hose from and to the pump is 1/2 inch or 12-13 mm , macsalvers in pool sell a reinforced clear one that should fit ,if you are passing my place give me a bell I have tones of hose that should fit it
Not that i noticed - i am curious on the pipe they used for the pump fitting as i need some more of it - anyone know what hose this is / where i maybe able to get some ? Its 6mm internal diameter and nice and flexible (unlike the microbore hose i tried to replace it with)

View attachment 28250
I'm assuming it's this FaceLift® Pure Water System Hose - 30m | Window Cleaning Hose & Reels - Window Cleaning Warehouse Ltd just a bit daft that they don't sell it by the metre because who need a 30m roll of it.
Just spent this arvo installing new replacement pump - system is humming now so was defo the pump being old imo - looking forward to some cleaning as soon as the forecast blizzard and rain passes through :)
Have you replaced with same pump ? I want to replace with shurflo not sure it will fit in space ? Thanks

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