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Quote comparison


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Well-known member
South Staffordshire
Quoted this last week and just wanted to know what you guys would quote for it. On the front there are another two windows which are out of shot (one double and one single). Windows only quote(conservatory windows also, but not roof). Only second job I’ve quoted so just wanted to know if I’m in right ballpark. Cheers


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When I began window cleaning I would charge a fiver for the conservatory. Now I hate them because they are just time vampires. Now I charge a minimum of a tenner and probably more. The pure goes down the glass and the next thing you see is all this dirt coming out the bottom and sitting on the sill. Did two tenner cleans joined together and it took me 10 minutes. Do a large detached house with big conny for £18 and it takes me 20 minutes. Beginning to understand where the money is and where it will never be. ?
Better without it. I much prefer plenty of tenner cleans now rather than big detached houses with big conservatories.
I only started last weekend though so anything would be nice at the moment. Got my first customer tomorrow, and a full conservatory, windows and FSG clean next Saturday. Got another 2 quotes to do also. I’ve charged £85 for the conservatory (small one) £30 for the FSG and £14 for the windows (3 bed semi).
It is a nice road with some serious big houses on there. Lesson learnt!
To be honest don't worry yet about your pricing system. You really need a few more quotes to decide if you are too high or low.
Don't just drop your prices if you don't get 1 quote! Likewise if you don't win 10 jobs you are probably pricing too high.
I only started last weekend though so anything would be nice at the moment. Got my first customer tomorrow, and a full conservatory, windows and FSG clean next Saturday. Got another 2 quotes to do also. I’ve charged £85 for the conservatory (small one) £30 for the FSG and £14 for the windows (3 bed semi).
They sound like reasonable prices (perhaps FSG could be a little higher) but they're a very good start. And the main thing for now is money coming in and gaining some invaluable experience.
Obviously for the future you want to know your prices are reasonable and competitive, and you don't want to be working too cheaply, but the main thing is that you're happy with your hourly or day rate. Personally I don't worry about what other perople say they'd charge and it's so much easier to quote higher when you're established and don't need the work.....and you're making an excellent start
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They sound like reasonable prices (perhaps FSG could be a little higher) but they're a very good start. And the main thing for now is money coming in and gaining some invaluable experience.
Obviously for the future you want to know you're prices are reasonable and competitive, and you don't want to be working too cheaply, but the main thing is that you're happy with your hourly or day rate. Personally I don't worry about what other perople say they'd charge and it's so much easier to quote higher when you're established and don't need the work.....and you're making an excellent start
The biggest problem on here, alleged millionaires, with full rounds giving wishful prices to newbies that need the work.
Don't ever recall anyone confirming getting advised numbers.
Nothing wrong with your price or adding 50p at the end. In fact, quite a clever tactic. For one it looks precisely worked out. Secondly, any customer who would accept £38 would also accept £38.50. Multiply those 50p's across a full round of 250 customers and you're netting an extra £125 per month. You dn't win them all and your price is very reasonable IMO. Best of luck.
Nothing wrong with your price or adding 50p at the end. In fact, quite a clever tactic. For one it looks precisely worked out. Secondly, any customer who would accept £38 would also accept £38.50. Multiply those 50p's across a full round of 250 customers and you're netting an extra £125 per month. You dn't win them all and your price is very reasonable IMO. Best of luck.
That was my line of thinking also, 50p is nothing to the individual customer, but as a monthly collective it soon becomes worth while.
That was my line of thinking also, 50p is nothing to the individual customer, but as a monthly collective it soon becomes worth while.
When I started window cleaning 14 years ago, I did the 50p thing, but only because that's how my Dad had priced things previously. When I relocated in 2012, I scrapped it - the main reason being, I was paid a lot in cash and giving change like that was a bit of a faff. Now most people pay by bacs, it really makes no difference, and like you say could net you a good few quid at the end of the month. Not to be sniffed at!

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