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Sruck on a quote for big customer


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Hello, need a bit of advice for quoting on a big commercial job, this is my first "propper" quote, essentially it's a warehouse distributors, iv had a look round they want it done inside and out, and done on a 8 weekly cycle, first time in and out the next just out then in and out ect, my trouble is do i give them 1 price or 2 cost for in and out, I'm thinking around the £200 marking for in and out, do I say that's in and out then £x amount for just out. Thanks
Hello, need a bit of advice for quoting on a big commercial job, this is my first "propper" quote, essentially it's a warehouse distributors, iv had a look round they want it done inside and out, and done on a 8 weekly cycle, first time in and out the next just out then in and out ect, my trouble is do i give them 1 price or 2 cost for in and out, I'm thinking around the £200 marking for in and out, do I say that's in and out then £x amount for just out. Thanks
I'd actually quote the same price for inside and out as that would mean more money. As an example if you use my numbers you will earn £1680 over the year, £960 for outside and £720 for internals.
If however you just said £100 for each, inside and out, then you'd earn £1800 over the year.