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Installing rollers in floor


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I've finally bitten the bullet and ordered the Grippatank through floor rollers. Does anyone know where I can find some info on installing these?


I've finally bitten the bullet and ordered the Grippatank through floor rollers. Does anyone know where I can find some info on installing these?

I don’t  have the Grippatank ones but when you get them just offer them up if you are reasonably ok with diy it’s pretty easy to do , old adage measure twist cut once still applies ,  make sure BEFORE CUTTING that there is nothing in the way or no wiring up out of sight you don’t  want to damage anything, took me a couple of hours maximum to do both sides . 

Neighbour did mine with a jigsaw fitted with a metal blade which was very easily done, depending on the pattern on your van floor you may need to flatten a raised area if you look at the pic you will notice on one side it has been flattened we used a G clamp otherwise the rollers wouldn't have sat flat. mine might be a different set of rollers to yours


20200102_142550 (1).jpg

I think I will tackle mine tomorrow, I didn't realise how heavy my waterworks rollers are! I'm out today to try out new extreme 18 pole and that will be my windows complete for this month bar care home that I will tackle next month.

I've finally bitten the bullet and ordered the Grippatank through floor rollers. Does anyone know where I can find some info on installing these?

Max - not sure which setup you've got...but give some thought as to how far from from the back of the van you position it...too far in towards cab you may find the hose rubs against your bumper as you pull it out - too near the back of your van you may find you catch the bottom roller on kerbs etc when reversing...here's 2 vids gives you an idea...

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Brilliant cheers for them, and all the advice. It’s definitely not something I’ll be rushing into! I’ve got quite a low sitting tow bar so I’m hoping that’ll give me some protection from curbs etc

Thanks all, between getting these installed and my electric reel I think my days will get that little bit easier and in the long run more profitable! Now all I need is an extreme pole, a more powerful gutter vac and to get my van waterproofed and I'm sorted!

Thanks all, between getting these installed and my electric reel I think my days will get that little bit easier and in the long run more profitable! Now all I need is an extreme pole, a more powerful gutter vac and to get my van waterproofed and I'm sorted!
Don't forget to post a photo when finished ?


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