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Cleaning grey fascia’s..


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Hello all,
One of my regular window customers has asked me to clean his fascia’s and gutters etc. The fascia’s are grey. What would be the best chemical to use on those?

I’m using a Gardiner backpack at the mo.

Cheers all
Generally if it’s white gone grey there is little you can do it needs replacing , if you are experienced using hypo mixes that might improve it a bit .
I’m sure there was a product out there that claimed to get rid of greying on pvc by one of the softwashing company’s but I can’t remember what it was. I was gonna try some but then they hiked their prices up and made you buy in bulk. It was around 250 minimum spend so wasn’t willing to give it a go on a wim.
I’m sure there was a product out there that claimed to get rid of greying on pvc by one of the softwashing company’s but I can’t remember what it was. I was gonna try some but then they hiked their prices up and made you buy in bulk. It was around 250 minimum spend so wasn’t willing to give it a go on a wim.
I’m sure it was soft wash systems-oxy wash
Depends what’s on it , Virosol ,ubik, even washing up liquid will work
They’re not caked in anything particularly bad so I’ll go with pure water this time and see how they come up. The house isn’t very old so should be alright. Cheers mate
I always use Rhino Goo UPVC Cleaner off eBay or Amazon. It’s amazing stuff and will no damage or dis colour anything, been using it for years, I wouldn’t use any thing else.
Pure water alone, unless it is hot, and even then will not always remove heavily soiled areas. That is when a little fairy liquid or the like dissolves the muck. Cold water certainly will not touch it.
I use Pure water if it’s not too dirty (on any colour of upvc)
If it’s pretty grubby I use a good coat of ubix & pure water.

Then after all that, if there’s some staining I sometimes use a light coat of lightening cleanse. That can often either bring up the whites again or remove a stubborn bit. But not always.

I always keep all of these in the van.