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So here it begins!

One 15 pound house was picked up last week from the boss of who's company are embroidering my company gear. Wasn't really ready for this yet!

Seen a fb post re the local new gym looking for a windy, still wasn't read but had to grab the chance and so blagged my way to a 2 x monthly £15 cleans (only eight windows and a sign)

I live in a town with 3000 houses so made up fliers to target whole area. 2 x a5 fliers per sheet, and will be rolled up on coloured paper (see picture). I know a first clean free is often frowned upon here but I'm open to trial and error. These will be posted through doors next week and I'll follow with door Knock all (still awaiting council badge for that


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I hope it works out for you.if I posted those leaflets in my neck of the woods I would be un-indated with work. for the 1st free clean.its human nature people will take advantage of a good situation.sell yourself high from the off or you will regret it in the future

Thanks Mark,

Someone who had offered the first clean free and used a similar template (from the forum) said there was only a very small percentage or drop offs after the first clean and he'd achieved 5% response from leaflets..who knows!

it depends on were you live m8,my phone would non stop ringing for a free 1st clean

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Chris, if the flyers aren't made up yet I'd add 'first clean free etc with upfront payment of six months' i.e. Pay sux get seven. or 'third clean free' and a free clean rather than choc/wine, otherwise I think you'll be doing a lot of free work

Thanks very much Jim, points taken on board. May well go with second or third clean free then (only made up 100 leaflets so far) but just thought the chocolate idea was more incentive based. Maybe wrong.

this is the point!!! you need to be exactly clear when posting,people will take the ****

Some of the letters after the bullet point are in lower case and some in upper case. I personally think grammar has to be right when in business or folk might think you're not professional. Just my opinion like.

Well I'd not really considered the time to do all interior windows if truth be told. Will need to alter that to kitchen window yes.

Thanks very much Jim, points taken on board. May well go with second or third clean free then (only made up 100 leaflets so far) but just thought the chocolate idea was more incentive based. Maybe wrong.
Forget chocolates and wine, just say next clean half price if you refer me and I get it?

You will no doubt get more work straight away, but there are a lot of folk out there who cancel after the first clean, the price actually helps separate the messers straight away, better to work a little for more than work more for a little, I reckon a free gutter clear once a year would be enticement enough and scrap the rest, you reward their loyalty after a years earnings, and a free clean for a certified paid up recommendation

I don't offer any enticements I but I do little extras for those I like

OK,this was a draft from earlier but yes I'll check all grammar over cos don't want to look amateur. Cheers.

I had not put prices on leaflets Jim but I'm now thinking that may be a good idea.

when they except the first free clean- are they obliged to continue with your service?,would you tell them your rate after the initial 1st clean?

Think it'll be beneficial to put price of all cleans on this here flier aye,and remove first clean free possibly.

Don't give anything away for free from the start. Try and talk to people face to face and give a good service from day one.

When building up a new round you can afford to take longer than you need to for each job to do a good job. This will get you recommend to others. This is the best way to get work.

Good luck and be patient.

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Chris, if the flyers aren't made up yet I'd add 'first clean free etc with upfront payment of six months' i.e. Pay sux get seven. or 'third clean free' and a free clean rather than choc/wine, otherwise I think you'll be doing a lot of free work
yeah was going to say similar ,if you are going to give a free clean , maybe it should be the second clean

the first clean always takes the longest because your getting 99% of the dirt off

the second clean will be much easier . you don't want to be doing all the hard work on the first clean and get nothing for it only for them to say oh thank you now we don't need you for 6 months .if you charge them the first clean and they pay it you know there serious about having there windows clean .

but what if you get a week of houses that you only have second cleans to do ?? you do a week and not get paid because there all free .

with charging half price

say you turn up to a house that's filthy and you would normally charge £15 but because of the half price your going to charge £7.50 which because of it being filthy will take you ,what 40 mins .

then on the second clean (if your not going down the free second clean road)you charge the normal £15 and itll take you less time ,15 mins .

whats to stop the customer thinking hang on they were filthy and I paid 7.50 for 40 mins work now there reasonably clean I have to pay £15 for 15 mins work .

I personally wont give out anything free ,you'll only attract the wrong sort of customer that you want (messers),if they want the windows clean they will be ready to pay you what you asked for .custys that want something for free will drop you for another cleaner for a pound cheaper because they think there getting a better deal .cheaper doesn't mean better but it will in the eyes of the customer you will attract.iv done it myself years ago ,done a house cheaper then I would of wanted and it killed me knowing that the last house was a 10er and this house is £6 , same windows,same time cleaning but got paid less for it.it will annoy you .

I think you need to stick with the basics and get rid of the gimmicks.

In the nicest possible way, you're mad to offer a free first window clean. People are going to take the absolute **** out of that and potentially cancel after the first clean.

Ditch the wine and chocolates idea too. It's an expense you don't need when you're trying to establish a round, especially if you're not bringing in much cash becomes you're doing loads of free first cleans.

Two free interior windows cleaned per year? I take it that means two actual windows rather than the whole house? Seems like another gimmick and will be a pain to keep track of. It's the sort of thing i offer customers as a little freebie. Offer to clean the inside of the patio door to remove kids sticky finger marks etc.

Just my thoughts.

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