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Self cleaning glass damage


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Hi our neighbours did fireworks last night and the wind direction must have been facing our way, the glass roof of our conservatory, along with most of the garden is pretty covered in the remnants of the fireworks. We have cleaned the glass roof but you can still see where all the blobs have landed and we think it’s damaged. Just wondering if Anyone else has experienced this or if there is such a thing that can damage the self cleaning thing? Appreciate any comments thank you 

Unless the sparks came down red hot and stayed on the glass molten hot I doubt it would damage them, I'm pretty local to you so if you are not too far, send me a pm and I'll come round and have a look. 

The self cleaning coating is fairly easy to damage. But it's also very sensitive to different chemicals and cleaning so can sometimes show marks that disappear. If after a week of rain those marks are still there then it's probably damage.

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Get off your high horse mate ?

This is a public forum, and we are a friendly bunch. No harm in a question from the public, and the answer benefit us all.
I’m not on a high horse! Just asking a genuine question that I thought this site was just for window cleaners! What’s your problem?

I’m not on a high horse! Just asking a genuine question that I thought this site was just for window cleaners! What’s your problem?
Sorry, friend, I meant no harm. Just a bit of friendly banter. ?

Maybe the expression is harsher than I thought, as I'm not a native english speaker? Sorry about that.

Hi our neighbours did fireworks last night and the wind direction must have been facing our way, the glass roof of our conservatory, along with most of the garden is pretty covered in the remnants of the fireworks. We have cleaned the glass roof but you can still see where all the blobs have landed and we think it’s damaged. Just wondering if Anyone else has experienced this or if there is such a thing that can damage the self cleaning thing? Appreciate any comments thank you 

I think if it appears to be damaged I would contact a glazing company get them to take a look at it and if deemed that damage has been caused then it’s an insurance issue between you and the  neighbour , if it’s just residual soot then a window cleaner should be able to help , but as has already been said the film is easily damaged .

It is but anyone is welcome to come on here and ask a question providing they are not in breach of any forum rules, this forum can be viewed by anyone at all not just window cleaners ?
Thanks for the info, I’ll guess I’ll just be using this site as a read only site from now on then ?

anonymous1989 said:
The self cleaning coating is fairly easy to damage. Any advice given on here isn't based on fact.
and you know the answers how?

anonymous1989 said:
The self cleaning coating is fairly easy to damage. Any advice given on here isn't based on fact.
We have cleaned thousands of panels of the stuff never had any issues with damage , unless the coating is different in the USA ????

Yeah, you have good neighbors. They repaired your glass or not? If they haven't fixed this window yet, I can suggest you a good company which can help you to remove your issue. They work fast and perfectly, I call them all the time when appear some scratches on the windows at the work because I love them to be perfect. Moreover, they don't remove only scratches but also something with big damages. If you are interested, you can visit their site 
I wouldn't like the bill for some one to travel from Chicago and polish out a scratch, no doubt you will travel business class and expect a 5* hotel 


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