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Waterproof bib and brace trousers - recommendations?


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So having used my new little PW for the first time I have realised my old, very old, army waterproof over trousers are no longer waterproof and the elastic has failed 🤣 🤣.
So for the odd little pw jobs I need some reasonable quality waterproof bib and brace trousers. There seem to be lots on the likes of Amazon but trying to find something decent that doesn't cost the earth seems tricky.

Any suggestions - ideally not army/camo type - even though they would be fit for purpose I'm not keen on that look :)
Get yourself a copy of the angling times. Near the middle somewhere there is a double spread of loads of fishing gear from a company based in Glasgow.
There are some very reasonable waterproof suits in there 👍
Obviously they deliver
I found you can spend a fortune on these but your still soaked at the end of the day as you sweat buckets - so still get wet
These are excellent for work in rainy weather - total protection

these for summer work

and lined/termal version in winter
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these for summer work
and lined/termal version in winter
Cheers, I ordered the Portwest ones from Amazon @ £34 they arrived today, the sizing seems perfect - i.e. I ordered the size that I normally tank and they easily fit over my work trousers, lots of pockets, side adjustment and the braces seem perfect. Seams seem to be taped well and the specs are good for waterproofing and breathability.

One thing to note is their colour - I bought the orange ones and boy are they bright!!!! Only way to not be seen would be hiding in a field of new traffic cones! 🤣 🤣 .

Not worn them to work in, that's this weekends job to pressure was the driveway.

Cheers everyone.
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