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Annoying slow payer


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Well-known member
Tamar Valley Cornwall
I have a customer who has taken over the lease of a large pub/restaurant from my previous customer. This one thinks that she can take her time paying me, and she is also a very stern off-ish character. The first two cleans were payed on time but the last two haven't been payed on time and the very last clean has been over two weeks waiting for payment now. She knows that I don't give credit and now I'm getting a bit pi***d off with her attitude. I've seen similar posts on here previously and some great worded responses to this type of problem. Rather than phone her, I will initially sent her an email. I look forward to seeing some interesting feedback from the forum.  

I will give everyone a tip on here. Retail and Pubs & restaurants are on their knees and will be for the rest of my life, so I believe. I did recycle and a shop couldn't afford to pay me a fiver a week to take away their cardboard. A few months later it went bust. I don't do retail or shops to much hassle getting paid. My website guy gave me a takeaway to clean and I charged £40 but the owner told me the website guy would pay me, still waiting but it means I don't do their weekly clean until I get paid. I cleaned their windows on their busiest day and I seen 10 customers. I will give it another 6 months and it will be closed. Give me domestics or building units to clean all day long because I always get paid and make new contacts in their bull market. Retail is in a bear market so all one gets is hassle. ?

I will give everyone a tip on here. Retail and Pubs & restaurants are on their knees and will be for the rest of my life, so I believe. I did recycle and a shop couldn't afford to pay me a fiver a week to take away their cardboard. A few months later it went bust. I don't do retail or shops to much hassle getting paid. My website guy gave me a takeaway to clean and I charged £40 but the owner told me the website guy would pay me, still waiting but it means I don't do their weekly clean until I get paid. I cleaned their windows on their busiest day and I seen 10 customers. I will give it another 6 months and it will be closed. Give me domestics or building units to clean all day long because I always get paid and make new contacts in their bull market. Retail is in a bear market so all one gets is hassle. ?
Thanks for the input. The most annoying thing with this customer is that it is a very succesful and busy pub that has been taken over, and I know this for a fact! She is just trying to be bloody awkward. Once I have received the payment I shall let her know that she no longer fits into my 'customer profile' any more. This is the only problemtic acct/customer that I have. I am in a position to put her into the 'sin bin'

Dear Mrs / Ms So and So,

I have been cleaning your windows since you took over from ***********, whom I had cleaned for the previous x number of years. During this period I have always carried out my duties in the correct manner and submitted my invoice for payment. The previous tenant paid immediately, which you also did initially, however the previous few invoices have been getting paid later and later. You as a business owner appreciate that sticking to agreed payment terms helps businesses avoid all the additional paperwork and stress of chasing up payments. If you want I can give you 14 days credit but this will attract a surcharge, and will have to be adhered to. I personally would prefer to stay the way it was previously, payment on receipt of invoice. If you don't want to do this let me know and I will charge you £x extra per wash.

Best Wishes


We clean a few pubs(no were as near as many as we used to as they are all closing down) and we always collect cash on the day. 

Just have a quick word with them. They may not realised you want paying sooner as most will pay everything all at once at the end of the month. 

I have a customer who has taken over the lease of a large pub/restaurant from my previous customer. This one thinks that she can take her time paying me, and she is also a very stern off-ish character. The first two cleans were payed on time but the last two haven't been payed on time and the very last clean has been over two weeks waiting for payment now. She knows that I don't give credit and now I'm getting a bit pi***d off with her attitude. I've seen similar posts on here previously and some great worded responses to this type of problem. Rather than phone her, I will initially sent her an email. I look forward to seeing some interesting feedback from the forum.  

I would get any outstanding money from them them explained the situation depending what they say would dump if any further problems dine that loads of times , some have evan had the cheak to phone and ask us to go back !,, no way 

get what your owed. then give the job to a crappy guy the guy will be happy to get the job and you get to **** the landlady off ?

with a splash and dasher .Just tell the landlady your not doing her area in case she wants to leave you a bad review

Dear Mrs / Ms So and So,

I have been cleaning your windows since you took over from ***********, whom I had cleaned for the previous x number of years. During this period I have always carried out my duties in the correct manner and submitted my invoice for payment. The previous  few invoices have been getting paid later and later. You as a business owner appreciate that sticking to agreed payment terms helps businesses avoid all the additional paperwork and stress of chasing up payments. If you want I can give you 14 days credit but this will attract a surcharge, and will have to be adhered to. I personally would prefer to stay the way it was previously, payment on receipt of invoice. If you don't want to do this let me know and I will charge you £x extra per wash.

Best Wishes

Your Husband  ( * amended a little* )
this is a similar message I send to my wife, yet all forms of payment after almost 21 years of been together are ignored ?

Once a bad payer always a bad payer, drop it unless u can’t really afford to lose the work. I’ve eliminated all my messers. The couple I have left are like the queen regarding cash. Got an iZettle card reader so now they’re good payers. 

Mupps I know it's easier to send an email, but personally I find a face to face friendly word works a treat when it comes to 'money'...sounds like your custy is busy running a business which no doubt has lot's of invoices coming in etc. So their 'may' be a genuine reason (i.e a book keeper pays all their invoices/does their books 1 day a week etc so turn around takes some time or holidays/short staffed/illness/disorganised) - If you understand the 'problem', your halfway to solving it. You're not looking for a ear bending/reading the riot act confrontation (or maybe you at that point)

Most invoices allow for longer payment windows say 14/28 days etc, so this can lead people to believe they are 'entitled' to a 'few weeks' grace period. 

So personally I'd tactfully explain what the 'issue' is for you (i.e I/my wife/book keeper doew my accounts weekly, debts chasing hassle/cashflow etc) and see if they can suggest what would help them turn around the invoices quicker - offer other payment methods - GoCardless/Card reader/Cash/Cq/prepayment (ie they pay x2 initially and are one clean in credit, hence it can takes until next clean to pay)

(I do a few retail premises and most take my invoice and pay me cash from till, 1 man bands and national chains - see if this would work?)

Make sure  payment options and timeframe are clear and OBVIOUS on your invoices. (they just might not remember your payment timeframe)

Don't inflate the 'chat' to a big deal...just clearly explain the impact of late payment to you and seek a 'solution' together.

If you go in heavy with 'formal' letter/email you will likely find she cools further...then soon after they decide to do them themselves or get another windie (No one likes being chased for money they owe - its embarrassing- so I'm told ?)

Mupps I know it's easier to send an email, but personally I find a face to face friendly word works a treat when it comes to 'money'...sounds like your custy is busy running a business which no doubt has lot's of invoices coming in etc. So their 'may' be a genuine reason (i.e a book keeper pays all their invoices/does their books 1 day a week etc so turn around takes some time or holidays/short staffed/illness/disorganised) - If you understand the 'problem', your halfway to solving it. You're not looking for a ear bending/reading the riot act confrontation (or maybe you at that point)

Most invoices allow for longer payment windows say 14/28 days etc, so this can lead people to believe they are 'entitled' to a 'few weeks' grace period. 

So personally I'd tactfully explain what the 'issue' is for you (i.e I/my wife/book keeper doew my accounts weekly, debts chasing hassle/cashflow etc) and see if they can suggest what would help them turn around the invoices quicker - offer other payment methods - GoCardless/Card reader/Cash/Cq/prepayment (ie they pay x2 initially and are one clean in credit, hence it can takes until next clean to pay)

(I do a few retail premises and most take my invoice and pay me cash from till, 1 man bands and national chains - see if this would work?)

Make sure  payment options and timeframe are clear and OBVIOUS on your invoices. (they just might not remember your payment timeframe)

Don't inflate the 'chat' to a big deal...just clearly explain the impact of late payment to you and seek a 'solution' together.

If you go in heavy with 'formal' letter/email you will likely find she cools further...then soon after they decide to do them themselves or get another windie (No one likes being chased for money they owe - its embarrassing- so I'm told ?)

I hear what you are saying but think you need to re read the op originally said , it sounds to me like it’s a deliberate act not an oversight , I wouldn’t tolerate it but that’s just me we all run small buisness and so dies she would she serve you a meal and pint and accept payment weeks later ?... no I didn’t think so , so a firm but fair word is needed alter your ways or you are dumped end off .

I hear what you are saying but think you need to re read the op originally said , it sounds to me like it’s a deliberate act not an oversight , I wouldn’t tolerate it but that’s just me we all run small buisness and so dies she would she serve you a meal and pint and accept payment weeks later ?... no I didn’t think so , so a firm but fair word is needed alter your ways or you are dumped end off .
Totally agree.

Maybe I'm just naïve ? 

Pjj In your analogy you don't have an option to pay for dinner 2 weeks later, if you issue an invoice you are inviting a delayed payment (Does Mupps even provided a written invoice with a max payment window?)

Right back at yer Pjj

I hear what you are saying but think you need to re read the op originally said

This one thinks that she can take her time paying me, and she is also a very stern off-ish character
How can you 'know' what someone is thinking - sounds like an assumption tbh.

Her character isn't really relevant - we're all different. (thankfully) 

The first two cleans were payed on time but the last two haven't been payed on time and the very last clean has been over two weeks waiting for payment now.
So she has a history of paying on time, now something has changed  - what has changed? (back to my previous post likely/possible causes)

tbh to me 2weeks - is no real biggy in my books for custy histroy of 5 cleans - could be legitimate reasons illness/holiday/forgot etc etc etc

Mupps doesn't mention if he's reminded/chased her that it's over due, or for that matter make mention that he's previously confronted her about the existing or previous issues - given what we know - I would always advocate a constructive approach to dispute resolution - you don't want her to feel alienated withhold payment or 'sack' you - assuming these outcomes are to be avoided.

If you go in gentle and realise it is deliberate you can always step up the tone/steps, can't really 'successfully' deescalate this kind of thing if you 'go in blind' with the nuclear option first which seems to be what Mupps is looking for?

I'm getting a bit pi***d off with her attitude. I've seen similar posts on here previously and some great worded responses to this type of problem. Rather than phone her, I will initially sent her an email. I look forward to seeing some interesting feedback from the forum.  

Maybe I'm just a softie  :1f609:

Maybe I'm just naïve ? 

Pjj In your analogy you don't have an option to pay for dinner 2 weeks later, if you issue an invoice you are inviting a delayed payment (Does Mupps even provided a written invoice with a max payment window?)

Right back at yer Pjj


How can you 'know' what someone is thinking - sounds like an assumption tbh.

Her character isn't really relevant - we're all different. (thankfully) 

So she has a history of paying on time, now something has changed  - what has changed? (back to my previous post likely/possible causes)

tbh to me 2weeks - is no real biggy in my books for custy histroy of 5 cleans - could be legitimate reasons illness/holiday/forgot etc etc etc

Mupps doesn't mention if he's reminded/chased her that it's over due, or for that matter make mention that he's previously confronted her about the existing or previous issues - given what we know - I would always advocate a constructive approach to dispute resolution - you don't want her to feel alienated withhold payment or 'sack' you - assuming these outcomes are to be avoided.

If you go in gentle and realise it is deliberate you can always step up the tone/steps, can't really 'successfully' deescalate this kind of thing if you 'go in blind' with the nuclear option first which seems to be what Mupps is looking for?

Maybe I'm just a softie  :1f609:

When we take on customers payment terms and conditions are explained if they then deviate from that ie don’t pay within 28 days of invoice date in our terms then a reminder is is given them if it’s a regular issue it’s an instant dump I don’t have the time to be chasing theses people and am turning work away at a  very high rate so I then replace them with a new customer who does pay on time , each to there own but you wouldn’t go shopping in Tesco and say at the cheak out I don’t have any money or I’ll lay when it suites me , you would be told exactly what to do either pay now or go away . 

By issuing an invoice is not inviting late or delayed payment ,especially in a buisness premessis they need a invoice or receipt for there books as an expense . 

Ime not playing some bat and ball back and forward with you just stating basic  buisness  acumen , if ones choose to do things differently that’s there prerogative but that’s not the way most buisness would operate ,   

Pjj I totally respect how you run your business...but the point was how Mupps runs' his ? no? 

You have clear procedures to cover payment expectations/management which is great because we can't expect customers 'know' what our 'rules' are unless we tell them - for all we know Mupps may have already done all this good stuff upfront like you - but he doesn't say or allude/imply he has. IF he hasn't, then going nuclear is likely to be counterproductive and he'll be sans last payment and custy ? in which case no one wins. 

If you leave Tesco having not paid at the point of sale you are committing theft.

If you pay a invoice, which doesn't specify the payment terms,  2 weeks after receiving good/service later you are committing nothing - onus is on us - like you say, to communicate with the custy, and detail that on the invoice, to manage everyone's expectations.

How you run you your business wasn't really the point /it was how Mupps runs his, adopting your approach would no doubt be beneficial for Mupps

You are right and I totally agree with you - work completed requires timely payment

Pjj I totally respect how you run your business...but the point was how Mupps runs' his ? no? 

You have clear procedures to cover payment expectations/management which is great because we can't expect customers 'know' what our 'rules' are unless we tell them - for all we know Mupps may have already done all this good stuff upfront like you - but he doesn't say or allude/imply he has. IF he hasn't, then going nuclear is likely to be counterproductive and he'll be sans last payment and custy ? in which case no one wins. 

If you leave Tesco having not paid at the point of sale you are committing theft.

If you pay a invoice, which doesn't specify the payment terms,  2 weeks after receiving good/service later you are committing nothing - onus is on us - like you say, to communicate with the custy, and detail that on the invoice, to manage everyone's expectations.

How you run you your business wasn't really the point /it was how Mupps runs his, adopting your approach would no doubt be beneficial for Mupps

You are right and I totally agree with you - work completed requires timely payment
Mupps asked for feedback. That's what he was given. "That's the point," surely? He had already explained how he ran his business and was asking for advice and opinions. ?

Pjj I totally respect how you run your business...but the point was how Mupps runs' his ? no? 

You have clear procedures to cover payment expectations/management which is great because we can't expect customers 'know' what our 'rules' are unless we tell them - for all we know Mupps may have already done all this good stuff upfront like you - but he doesn't say or allude/imply he has. IF he hasn't, then going nuclear is likely to be counterproductive and he'll be sans last payment and custy ? in which case no one wins. 

If you leave Tesco having not paid at the point of sale you are committing theft.

If you pay a invoice, which doesn't specify the payment terms,  2 weeks after receiving good/service later you are committing nothing - onus is on us - like you say, to communicate with the custy, and detail that on the invoice, to manage everyone's expectations.

How you run you your business wasn't really the point /it was how Mupps runs his, adopting your approach would no doubt be beneficial for Mupps

You are right and I totally agree with you - work completed requires timely payment

I think most established window cleaners are switched on to getting payments in it’s part of our job , from personal experience it’s generally a problem customer trying it on that causes the problem it’s all part of building a successful round over the last 20 odd years I have lost count of the number of customers that I have dumped  it’s par for the course , I am far less tolerant now than I was when I started as I can afford to be that way as we don’t need any more work , so if a customer needs chasing more than a couple of times they are replaced , end off and we never take them back , one of the guys who works for me used to have his own round but had so many issues with late payment ,or no payment , or leave it today as it looks like it might rain types he was and still is amazed that I dont have theses issues ,and prefers working for me than having his own round , we are running a buisness not a charity and those who have the attitude it’s only the window cleaner I’ll pay him when it suites me are not a customer Ime prepared to tolerate , we always have a large amount of money outstanding but this is due to 28 day settlement that Ime happy with and commercial work this  is the accepted standard 

Dear Mrs / Ms So and So,

I have been cleaning your windows since you took over from ***********, whom I had cleaned for the previous x number of years. During this period I have always carried out my duties in the correct manner and submitted my invoice for payment. The previous tenant paid immediately, which you also did initially, however the previous few invoices have been getting paid later and later. You as a business owner appreciate that sticking to agreed payment terms helps businesses avoid all the additional paperwork and stress of chasing up payments. If you want I can give you 14 days credit but this will attract a surcharge, and will have to be adhered to. I personally would prefer to stay the way it was previously, payment on receipt of invoice. If you don't want to do this let me know and I will charge you £x extra per wash.

Best Wishes


I have a very simple solution to slow payers. 

If they havent paid within 5 days, they get a daily text for each day it's overdue. I send the following..

Dear customer. Please can you remember to settle your window cleaning bill today as it is now overdue for payment. Best wishes Mxxx xxxxk Stxxx clean. 

It doesn't change, I don't enter into any drawn out dialogues, that just gets sent every day until it's paid.

I also will not do further cleans until the last one is paid.


Now for commercial debts, they actually don't have to pay you for 30 days, sometimes 90 days. So I don't do much commercial anymore, it's too competitive, and the cash flow will kill ya.

 I think most people worth their salt should be able to make a fairly accurate judgement on the character of a potential customer in a very few minutes. Most of us have probably come across business folk and householders with an inflated sense of ego and self importance.

Its how we deal with them that's important.

I personally get a quiet sense of satisfaction from politely but firmly showing them that I don't yield.


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