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Annoying slow payer


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Precision comment, ground zero, that's exactly it...

Garnering a digital missive possibly may not be a recommended approach for happy customer relations
Sorry mate, that's way over my head. I only learnt a basic form of the Queen's English at my working class north London schools.

I've little understanding of modern, corporate lingo, if that's what this is? ?

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(using my babble fish)

bang on, you nailed it

It may not be the right approach to ask for words to use to as missile to launch at a custy to ensure a cushy setup

Now for commercial debts, they actually don't have to pay you for 30 days, sometimes 90 days. So I don't do much commercial anymore, it's too competitive, and the cash flow will kill ya
Massive generalisation, 90% of my turnover is commercial. I haven't  got a clue where you get that commercial don't  have to pay for 30 days, payment terms are payment terms no matter if it's residential or commercial. Without actually sitting down and calculating it I would guesstimate my average commercial payment is around 21 days. 

The OP sounds like he wants to keep the customer as if he didn't then he wouldn't be asking for advice.
