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Lower Back Pain?


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Must add to this that I started using Xtreme poles maybe around 8-9 years ago and I have still had injuries but Xtreme 22ft was just my daily, not my bigger poles which don't get that much use in comparison which are SLX, I was using a 45ft pole on some jobs but dropped some of those and have managed to do some with a shorter 35-37ft pole I got the most grief and fatigue on the days I need to use the 45ft even though it was only a few jobs at most 2 days in the month and had one well paid job that has just dropped until Spring :rolleyes: so sections 9 & 10 are now in the graveyard aka my garage and may or may not be brought back into use.

I get very used to one brush and find it hard to use any other once I am stuck on one, I've got brand new brushes and ones only used a handful of times sat collecting, they might get used one day but most likely not
I would love to try an Xtreme pole, just a bit out of my price range at the minute. You are absolutely right it's very difficult to come away from a particular brush once you are used to it - my favourite is the flocked xtreme sill and I use it as often as I can. Sorry to hear about the dropped job. It's always annoying when this happens, especially at this time of year. I think people don't consider it's your income and are only too quick to mess you about sometimes.
Have you got new boots or changed your mattress? Any number of things could be the cause. Try an ice pack, 10 minute spells with 20 minute gaps for 2 hours and some Ibuprofen.
Ice then heat works for me up to 20 minutes ice then same heat and repeat
Ice reduces swelling then the heat improves blood flow which helps healing
Rubbish my man has training with weights just builds muscle which in turn whill suck 75 per cent of your oxygen this lads got a serious question his not a silly gym freek have now got sciatica after years of lower back pain thares nothing you can do
Medical staff are right keep active but am 6foot so any bending can set it of personal I wouldn't worry just get on with hit if your not doubled up in agony and unable to work just carry on thare is a lot of bending in window cleaning with out mentionin the poles believe me has you haven't elaborated if your back was goin to give way it would of by now
Load of old cobblers lol
I had major back issues due to disc problems and get sciatica/ piriformis syndrome due to it
The only thing that improved it was heavy deadlifts which strengthened my lower back and core exercises
Hurt at first but then rapidly improved
Having a strong core really helps support your spine and avoid injuries
Where do you get this 75% of oxygen nonsense from also ?
Deadlifts defo help your posterior chain.start slow and light and build up from there and keep doing them year after year.

You don't have to go too heavy to build a stronger lower back,hamstrings and glutes.also try the variations

RDLs,sumo,stiff legged(barbell and dumbbell)and vary the rep ranges and weight.

If your suffering from sciatica then I know 2 people who had acupuncture treatment and it cured it
Deadlifts defo help your posterior chain.start slow and light and build up from there and keep doing them year after year.

You don't have to go too heavy to build a stronger lower back,hamstrings and glutes.also try the variations

RDLs,sumo,stiff legged(barbell and dumbbell)and vary the rep ranges and weight.

If your suffering from sciatica then I know 2 people who had acupuncture treatment and it cured it
I’ve been lifting for years and keep on top of it mostly but age also starts to become a factor lol
The cold now sets it off and my bad knee due to motorcycle accident years ago
I suffer especially in the winter with my back, though his was done in my younger years being body slammed onto a curb! Anyway, now I use a heated back pack and it's brilliant. Supplies heat to my lower back and really eases any pain throughout the day, been a life saver if I'm honest.
Ice then heat works for me up to 20 minutes ice then same heat and repeat
Ice reduces swelling then the heat improves blood flow which helps healing

Load of old cobblers lol
I had major back issues due to disc problems and get sciatica/ piriformis syndrome due to it
The only thing that improved it was heavy deadlifts which strengthened my lower back and core exercises
Hurt at first but then rapidly improved
Having a strong core really helps support your spine and avoid injuries
Where do you get this 75% of oxygen nonsense from also ?
14 years in army Bosnia veteran seen far to man teenagers turn up for infantry training full of muscle ovoisley I knew they wouldn't last 2 weeks full of steroids ovoisley on 15 mile yomp thare muscles gave up do you need to go in gym to do a dead lift rambert that brat Anthony Joshua full of steroids getting knocked all over of the Ukraine boxer I did nobody can punch above thare weight silly bouncers full of water sciatica carnt be healed even if nhs done operation it's 6 months in traction so al be honest I have 3 lads working for me and 4 ladies under 24 minimum wage at my hamburger stall one at Newcastle United other at Sunderland ovoisley coppers carnt police 2 grounds I rake a fortune in but am not greedy yous all seem to be one man bands working alone 25 house could be 3 hours your rounds must be small or the silly pole lay your helpers of who risk thare lives go up your ultra light all minimum ladders this isint a window cleaning discussion persay its about poles but proper window cleaners climb fences jump from one roof to another so al be blunt swinging them poles about on windy days you do need strong natural strength you won't get that in gym because every time you lift a weight you whill naturally burn of doin window cleaning they have mentioned poles I refused health and safety get told whare to go only council houses 4 per house I agree Steep banks
May need pole but had replace worker they do them has they fiddle me I set marker for what money I want they share rest am not
Money orientated have knocked back good earning hamburger pitches goin back to lower back pain I do agree a few
Months in gym before usein poles would of helped ie preparation might just be your not strong enough and your back is packing up you certainly carnt move for first week of sciatica ie nerves popping up your lower back then every thing hurts all the way up .my left side toothache and head ache pheraps you've biting of more than you can chew surly you know about lower back pain good sir cheers Mitchell
Was that even English?
Ex army also and know what I’m talking about
14 years in army Bosnia veteran seen far to man teenagers turn up for infantry training full of muscle ovoisley I knew they wouldn't last 2 weeks full of steroids ovoisley on 15 mile yomp thare muscles gave up do you need to go in gym to do a dead lift rambert that brat Anthony Joshua full of steroids getting knocked all over of the Ukraine boxer I did nobody can punch above thare weight silly bouncers full of water sciatica carnt be healed even if nhs done operation it's 6 months in traction so al be honest I have 3 lads working for me and 4 ladies under 24 minimum wage at my hamburger stall one at Newcastle United other at Sunderland ovoisley coppers carnt police 2 grounds I rake a fortune in but am not greedy yous all seem to be one man bands working alone 25 house could be 3 hours your rounds must be small or the silly pole lay your helpers of who risk thare lives go up your ultra light all minimum ladders this isint a window cleaning discussion persay its about poles but proper window cleaners climb fences jump from one roof to another so al be blunt swinging them poles about on windy days you do need strong natural strength you won't get that in gym because every time you lift a weight you whill naturally burn of doin window cleaning they have mentioned poles I refused health and safety get told whare to go only council houses 4 per house I agree Steep banks
May need pole but had replace worker they do them has they fiddle me I set marker for what money I want they share rest am not
Money orientated have knocked back good earning hamburger pitches goin back to lower back pain I do agree a few
Months in gym before usein poles would of helped ie preparation might just be your not strong enough and your back is packing up you certainly carnt move for first week of sciatica ie nerves popping up your lower back then every thing hurts all the way up .my left side toothache and head ache pheraps you've biting of more than you can chew surly you know about lower back pain good sir cheers Mitchell
Try doing that yomp in full nbc gear and you may get onto my level lol
Don’t know where you get your facts from but if weight training is no good why does the British armed forces have multi million pound gyms all over and encourage people to use them
Maybe you breathed in too much cs gas during training lol
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14 years in army Bosnia veteran seen far to man teenagers turn up for infantry training full of muscle ovoisley I knew they wouldn't last 2 weeks full of steroids ovoisley on 15 mile yomp thare muscles gave up do you need to go in gym to do a dead lift rambert that brat Anthony Joshua full of steroids getting knocked all over of the Ukraine boxer I did nobody can punch above thare weight silly bouncers full of water sciatica carnt be healed even if nhs done operation it's 6 months in traction so al be honest I have 3 lads working for me and 4 ladies under 24 minimum wage at my hamburger stall one at Newcastle United other at Sunderland ovoisley coppers carnt police 2 grounds I rake a fortune in but am not greedy yous all seem to be one man bands working alone 25 house could be 3 hours your rounds must be small or the silly pole lay your helpers of who risk thare lives go up your ultra light all minimum ladders this isint a window cleaning discussion persay its about poles but proper window cleaners climb fences jump from one roof to another so al be blunt swinging them poles about on windy days you do need strong natural strength you won't get that in gym because every time you lift a weight you whill naturally burn of doin window cleaning they have mentioned poles I refused health and safety get told whare to go only council houses 4 per house I agree Steep banks
May need pole but had replace worker they do them has they fiddle me I set marker for what money I want they share rest am not
Money orientated have knocked back good earning hamburger pitches goin back to lower back pain I do agree a few
Months in gym before usein poles would of helped ie preparation might just be your not strong enough and your back is packing up you certainly carnt move for first week of sciatica ie nerves popping up your lower back then every thing hurts all the way up .my left side toothache and head ache pheraps you've biting of more than you can chew surly you know about lower back pain good sir cheers Mitchell
That “word-salat” would even confuse an experienced spindoctor???
I suffer especially in the winter with my back, though his was done in my younger years being body slammed onto a curb! Anyway, now I use a heated back pack and it's brilliant. Supplies heat to my lower back and really eases any pain throughout the day, been a life saver if I'm honest.
Typical geordie thick ! Ftm Sunderland till I die
14 years in army Bosnia veteran seen far to man teenagers turn up for infantry training full of muscle ovoisley I knew they wouldn't last 2 weeks full of steroids ovoisley on 15 mile yomp thare muscles gave up do you need to go in gym to do a dead lift rambert that brat Anthony Joshua full of steroids getting knocked all over of the Ukraine boxer I did nobody can punch above thare weight silly bouncers full of water sciatica carnt be healed even if nhs done operation it's 6 months in traction so al be honest I have 3 lads working for me and 4 ladies under 24 minimum wage at my hamburger stall one at Newcastle United other at Sunderland ovoisley coppers carnt police 2 grounds I rake a fortune in but am not greedy yous all seem to be one man bands working alone 25 house could be 3 hours your rounds must be small or the silly pole lay your helpers of who risk thare lives go up your ultra light all minimum ladders this isint a window cleaning discussion persay its about poles but proper window cleaners climb fences jump from one roof to another so al be blunt swinging them poles about on windy days you do need strong natural strength you won't get that in gym because every time you lift a weight you whill naturally burn of doin window cleaning they have mentioned poles I refused health and safety get told whare to go only council houses 4 per house I agree Steep banks
May need pole but had replace worker they do them has they fiddle me I set marker for what money I want they share rest am not
Money orientated have knocked back good earning hamburger pitches goin back to lower back pain I do agree a few
Months in gym before usein poles would of helped ie preparation might just be your not strong enough and your back is packing up you certainly carnt move for first week of sciatica ie nerves popping up your lower back then every thing hurts all the way up .my left side toothache and head ache pheraps you've biting of more than you can chew surly you know about lower back pain good sir cheers Mitchell
What part of Sunderland do you work in, I take it it's Red House, Southwick way
I must be a cowboy window cleaner then as I've never jumped roof to roof in 31 years of window cleaning!???
Am talking council's estates old solid brick wash houses coal houses people done them up has a boy I kept pigeons in mine looking back it was an hard round at side of wash houses 3 foot apart you could spin your light ally lader round while on it or step over little jump then stand in dogs ^%% te and climb over fences yous all seem to have mansions but I do know a man in his 80eez definitely makein grands every week 3 foot ladder he has all shop windows he certainly gets paid a fiver of barber daily his fit little climbing people who don't know window cleaning don't understand thares easy Raunds and very hard ones and you get no respect especially priceing houses up big ones I know if you say 40 quid you do it fortnightly 80 quid a month a lot moan even though with all the glass it should be more personly I wouldn't sell my rounds I certainly don't go our in this weather but like the summer I allways knew men who do my round seasons window cleaners back to my pall and his bad back My honest opinion been a man who started with a scrim I have sciatica or slipped disc or lumbago I can feel it kicking in so stop what am doing but have worked with 22 foot scaffolding poles thare a knack to carrien them I had sciatica then ovoisley you never mentioned your age but lifting that pole initially could do your back in pulled muscle if your lucky behond that just work through it expert's say work through it they used to say rest ovoisley with sciatica for first week you carnt work after that week or so I worked behond when in army am surprised you asked questions about back pain every body gets back pain you know the initial lifting of the poles is doing it you said so bassicly you asked you own question its inflammation could pop pain killers but just accept it good sir or use a ladder cheers lad that's Mitchell's vast knowledge shared with yous good gentlemen and ladies you mightend have a degree to be a window cleaner but let's agree on one thing the pay is exelent
Am talking council's estates old solid brick wash houses coal houses people done them up has a boy I kept pigeons in mine looking back it was an hard round at side of wash houses 3 foot apart you could spin your light ally lader round while on it or step over little jump then stand in dogs ^%% te and climb over fences yous all seem to have mansions but I do know a man in his 80eez definitely makein grands every week 3 foot ladder he has all shop windows he certainly gets paid a fiver of barber daily his fit little climbing people who don't know window cleaning don't understand thares easy Raunds and very hard ones and you get no respect especially priceing houses up big ones I know if you say 40 quid you do it fortnightly 80 quid a month a lot moan even though with all the glass it should be more personly I wouldn't sell my rounds I certainly don't go our in this weather but like the summer I allways knew men who do my round seasons window cleaners back to my pall and his bad back My honest opinion been a man who started with a scrim I have sciatica or slipped disc or lumbago I can feel it kicking in so stop what am doing but have worked with 22 foot scaffolding poles thare a knack to carrien them I had sciatica then ovoisley you never mentioned your age but lifting that pole initially could do your back in pulled muscle if your lucky behond that just work through it expert's say work through it they used to say rest ovoisley with sciatica for first week you carnt work after that week or so I worked behond when in army am surprised you asked questions about back pain every body gets back pain you know the initial lifting of the poles is doing it you said so bassicly you asked you own question its inflammation could pop pain killers but just accept it good sir or use a ladder cheers lad that's Mitchell's vast knowledge shared with yous good gentlemen and ladies you mightend have a degree to be a window cleaner but let's agree on one thing the pay is exelent
Punctuation man, punctuation ?

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